This is where the magic happens. All the designs, content or functionality you created are now compiled into a native app - automatically. The pipelines take about 20 minutes to run and generate store-ready iOS and Android apps.
If we compare the pipelines to the old manual way of compiling apps, we have taken about two weeks of fiddly work out of the process.
We realised that the largest cost in app builds - and the biggest cause of bugs - were the manual stages.
That is why Reptile is the first platform to build apps end-to-end programatically.
It allows development effort to be focussed on making each app unique - adding custom features and integrations.
You can preview your final app designs in the Reptile Shell App with your unique PIN code.
If you have created accounts for the Apple iOS and Google Android stores, you can download the real build on Testflight and App Centre.
Your final app will be published in your own store account.
You will be the legal publisher of your app, not Reptile.
We will just ask you to make us technical admins so that we can update your app and perform routine maintenance.
All published apps come with a monthly support and maintenance package. This ensures that your app will be kept up-to-date with code changes required by the iOS and Android platforms, providing peace of mind.
The only extra costs you will incur will be if you decide to extend the functionality of your app.
With Reptile I know what my costs are this year and next. There are no nasty financial suprises and, above all, no costs for keeping developers on stand-by to do routine updates.